Monday, June 14, 2010

Top five influencers when marketers pick a new agency

According to the RSW/US 2010 New Business Report on "A Client's Perspective on Agencies", when marketers are deciding on a new agency, the follow factors are the top five in influencing their choice:
  1. Advice or recommendation from a colleague.
  2. Timely approach by an agency.
  3. Recommendation from a marketer from another company.
  4. Quality and content of agency websites.
  5. General, unattributable awareness.
So, obviously, creative firms and agencies need to continue to work on their referral programs to find new business. Most people are more open to working with someone they've discovered through a referral, which also reflects on the impact that social media is having on providing real reviews.

Another note, is timing. Call it luck, if you will. If firms can connect with marketers when there is a need, then the chances are much higher that an engagement will occur. So, as I've always believed, in order to be lucky, you have to at least be present to win!

So, how do agencies be "johnny-on-the-spot" and work the referral angles at the same time? Deliberately.

1 comment:

  1. Referral...completely agree, especially in the creative/advertising field b/c of the abstract nature of the output
